Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pictures for January

Welcome to 2013!

Liam unfortunately started off the new year shedding some weight. Poor guy. We have towels down everywhere because he doesn't seem to be concerned with making it to the trash can. At least he's really nonchalant about it. I know at his age I freaked if I had to throw up or did throw up. He just deals with it. I am very proud of him.

Maia doesn't mind playing by herself...she has a new baby doll to play with.

She is fond of putting diapers on her baby.

Next day, Liam is MUCH better.

He's got his humor and playfulness back.

What a cutie.

At a local SCA event, Maia learns the joy of stringing beads on a pip cleaner. And she is very good at it. Hmmm...thinking of some possible birthday ideas.

Maia has drawn a following, and they are tickled by the idea that she will give them high-fives.

My little Boggie.

I was getting the kids ready for bed and they managed to escape and crawl into our bed (it's hard to stop cuteness). (Liam is only pretending to be angry) Maia likes to escape before I get her pajamas on, wearing only her diaper.


Liam pretends to be asleep. Maia finds this curious.

So she gives it a try. "Zzzzzzzz"

One final snuggle with some stuffed animals before I drag them out of my bed and into theirs.

During my birthday party, the kids are enjoying some of Liam's Christmas snacks.

Lots of young kids at the party (We had 12 total).

Maia is avoiding going to bed by pretending to be asleep in Liam's bed.

She is determined to fool me even when I remove the blanket.

Liam showed me the picture of the Joker that he colored in. I am going to use it to base his knitted Joker doll off of.

Maia likes Liam's Batman backpack.

While visiting my sister's house, we let Maia try out Cousin Cole's push-bike.


At the Fire and Ice Festival in Mount Holly.

Little owls...

... and big owls.

Maia is amused by the animals.

We check out some of the gingerbread houses. These are the kids' favorites.

Maia is admiring the new baby alpaca mittens I knit for her.

Look! Alpaca!

Ice carving a giraffe.

Back home, we thaw out.

Maia's triceratops hair-do.

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