Monday, April 8, 2013

Dawn's House (3/30 - 4/07)

Immediately following Easter morning, we jumped in the car to start our trip to one of our favorite places...Dawn and Greg's house in Charleston, WV. It's a long trip, so the first stop is Granny's house in Martinsburg, WV to stay overnight.
The kids were barely in the car when the activity of the morning overcame them. Zzzzzz... I thought about joining them.

A few hours later, we are at Granny's house, hanging and discussing what we want to do about dinner.

But first, a snack.

The next morning comes too soon.

But give Maia her juice, and she is all ready to go.

Quick stop for a bite to eat. It's good to be out of the car.

We made it to Charleston. Maia quickly gets into the Easter spirit.

I just love Dawn's house. Look what she made for them...their very own library shelf, with books that they can read. So amazing!

The kids quickly settle down for a book with Aunt Dawn.

Then it's time for coloring and crafts.
 And then a book again. *smile*

Some visitors wander by (this is a usual occurrence here).

Granny helps Maia with some artwork.

Breakfast the next morning. I LOVE Dawn's breakfasts. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, fruit, and even some broccoli/cheese from last night (it actually fit with breakfast).

Maia tries some pickled beets...she seems to like them.

Arts and crafts were a big theme for the trip.

Dawn and Liam plants some seeds.

Since Mommy has recently started skating a lot, we take a trip to the local skating rink. Liam is nervous at first, but gets more confident.

Silly pictures together.

Maia doesn't skate but waves to the skaters. (next year, maybe)

Back at the house, Maia is happily finishing off whatever was on her plate.

After the kids are in bed, the Miller siblings enjoy some time together, chatting.

Every visit to Dawn's house involves a trip to the library (and sometimes more than one). Maia gets busy with the play toys.

Liam really likes this setup. It reminds him of a pirate ship.

Maia browses the book titles.

Liam pointed out that these books spell words when they sit next to each other.

This was a great find. I happened to see it on the top of the shelf and grabbed it for Maia. We loved it so much that we have ordered it for her birthday.


More visitors, eying me carefully.

Early birthday presents for Maia.

It's time to dye eggs with Dawn and Granny.

Liam found some yarn and came to show me, since I am such a yarn lover.

Snuggling...or hiding...who knows.

Liam and Dawn are making a sock puppet. Can you guess what it will be?

It's a wolf! Liam currently has a love of wolves, especially the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood. So he made his own wolf puppet.

Which promptly attacks his face.

And then Maia's Monkey.

And then a bird (it's from a drawing that Liam made, which looks pretty much exactly like that).

Time for the playground.

Back at the house, Maia explores.

Super Maia...complete with cape, crayon, and juice.

Liam is reading a werewolf book he got at the library, with his wolf puppet looking on.

Super Maia isn't afraid of any wolves.

But Granny's lap is probably a safer place to be.

Selecting a book to read.

Snack time!

"Mom, I am trying to eat here...why the pictures?"


Talk about your amazing breakfast. Check out Dawn's creation for Liam. I'm a little jealous.

Outside looking in...and vice versa.

Time for some sidewalk chalk art.

Some may have gotten on Maia.

Maia found amusement under the potting bench.

Mommy gets creative with the chalk while the kids draw on the back patio.

Time for a trip to the Clay Center, a favorite place to go with the kids.

Afterwards, we stop for food.

And Liam gets a HUGE hot dog. Wow!

Another trip to the library.

We noticed that someone had stuck peeps all over town. Slightly disturbing.

One last visit from the deer, before we head home. *sigh*

Maia quickly gets into nap-mode for the return trip.

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