Monday, July 1, 2013


So, after all this time, Liam was finally diagnosed with ADHD. In some ways, it's a relief to have something to look up and work on. But it's also frustrating to have it verbally confirmed. And I honestly don't know what to do. I mean, I have looked up the information, and I know there are lots of resources out there, and medications, and resources. But I still feel...overwhelmed. And a bit clueless. And somehow like I have done something wrong as a parent. Not sure why. I just feel that somehow I could have done something during Liam's last year or so of development to help him keep more on task, to make him better at school, to...I don't know...not suffer so much from ADHD?
As someone who likes things as natural as possible, I HATE the idea of medications. If there is some way to do it naturally, I prefer it. But...a whole year of Kindergarten has passed and, while Liam has gotten better with some problem areas, most have not, and some have gotten worse. Like his ability to focus on completing school work that he has no interest in. Give him work that has to do with chocolate factories or pirates or wolves or The Joker, and he has it done in a flash, correctly. But most of it isn't related to such, and so...he just won't do it...won't focus, won't listen, won't buckle down. *sigh* this point, its time to try something else. The pediatrician recommended meds, so we have started him on that. We are also considering signing him up for martial arts, as that was also suggested by the pediatrician. The location I attend my kickboxing classes in has martial arts classes as well, and the instructor specializes in ADHD kids (as well as other types of problems). I think it would be good for Liam. Though he doesn't seem all that interested. Hopefully a few classes will change his mind.

Anyway...I guess I am rambling...this is more of a vent than a post. I am too tired and concerned to come up with a well-written post. I just want to help my boy...I want him to enjoy school, and new things...and not get yelled at all the time. So...I guess send good vibes our way.

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