Thursday, January 2, 2014

Comments for the New Year

We are still at Dawn and Greg's house, due to a winter storm making travel hazardous. We aren't all that upset about being stuck here two extra days. *smile* I thought I would take some time to update the blog, and to also give some updates on Liam and Maia, since I have been lax in doing more than just plopping pictures up here. Both children amaze me and there is way more to them than words can describe, but I am going to do my best to share some details about them.

Liam: He is totally and thoroughly a Doctor Who fan. In fact, he IS the Doctor. Usually Matt Smith, but sometimes David Tenant. He has seen EVERY episode since Chris Eccleston, including the specials, and a few from earlier Doctors. It's amazing what he remembers, and in such detail. He loves drawing the Tardis and the 10th and 11th Doctors. He often pretends to be a Dalek or Cyberman, so much so that Maia also copies him, pretending to be a Dalek at times.
Liam is also very musical, it seems. He is very good at humming tunes and also recognizing them from just a few notes. As a result, he seems to be somewhat good at playing music on instruments for the first time. He was given a harmonica and his attempts at playing it actually sound nice, instead of irritating huffing and puffing. The same occurred when he was given a dulcimer and tried it out. We should probably try to find time get him involved in music lessons of some sort.
Not all siblings get along, but Liam is pretty good with his sister. There is the usual irritating-the-other that he involves himself in, but for the most part he is very nice to her, tries to teach her things, and loves her to death. I am very proud of him.

Maia: She is my precocious, spirited, inquisitive, opinionated, bossy, lovable little cutie. She always wants to know what's going on, wants to participate, and wants to do things her way. She loves copying her brother, but also has her own interests. She LOVES drawing...just give her a pad of paper and some crayons or a pencil and she is good for a while. She LOVES pretending to "cook" dinner, pulling out measuring cups and spoons to play with. (We got her a play kitchen for Christmas and hopes this helps to keep her out of the drawers a bit more). She often brings us "juice" or "pancakes" or "bacon". I remember having little tea parties when I was a child (complete with sweet gherkins pickles, little hard candies, and actual tea), so I think I might have to introduce her to that concept.
She loves her brother a lot. She follows him around, wanting to do what he is doing (though not all the time...sometimes he annoys her). She has picked up his interest in Doctor Who and often pretends to be a Dalek, "exterminating" us and zapping us with her zapper thingy. She also will pretend to be the Doctor, or his companion.
She will dance to music, and she likes "singing". She will make up songs as much as sing something she already knows. Her made-up songs usually consist of things that have happened in her life (she recently sang a song about how Mommy and Daddy come into her room and tell her to lay down and go to sleep and she says "No!" and then she lays down and gets her pacifier and wants her blanket). She also sometimes sings songs that we have listened to a lot on the radio or iPhones. Very cute.
She gets into EVERYTHING, wanting to know how things work, what's over there, what happens when you do THIS, can I get away with THAT, etc. She is quick to figure out how to work things if you show her...very smart. But sometimes it can lead to trouble if it's something she can apply to a situation where she shouldn't be so curious. And she has little fear of situations that could get her standing on the arms of a couch or her chair, or climbing up onto the table, or trying to get a hold of scissors to cut something (darn Liam and his safety scissors). Like a weeping angel, we can't turn our back for a second.

Wow...there is SO much more I could share, but there is just so much that I feel overwhelmed...and what I have shared is SO very inadequate. This will have to do for now, though.

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